Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keep Cat Off Fish Tank My Cat Keeps Drinking The Fish Tank Water.....?

My cat keeps drinking the fish tank water.....? - keep cat off fish tank

How can I be arrested? We shouted "No" and leave them, but they just go back into the party and drink more .... not seem to get it. Even the water damage? Freshwater is ......


independ... said...

my cat would not hurt either, but not a good habit to give ... we provide a secure lid on the tank and now the only way is the filter that has not yet made * * But thank God, he will soon get into the water sources, because we found our cat, Kitty seems to be attracted to the water , which is probably the reason why attempts to subject the tank, bubbles and temperature and has a cup of filter ... but the reason could be different for your cat, and if I were you, I'm doing with little experience to see your cat to see if maybe he likes the water because the fish to maintain them, because it is clean, filtered water through the water temperature ... or perhaps a much longer will itAttention is how the behavior ... usually not a problem that dogs not cats, but can have a cat problem, in case you have tried to follow re-address the source of sufficient water by praise from touch tone voice and a sweet treat or play? I believe that positive training methods, better than punishment in the fumigation work and try not to cry and not just your pets and water your pet and play with it to draw, if n is not interested in water and then put the wet finger and touch your nose .... If all else fails, you can invest in a kitty wells typically cost $ 30 to $ 50 and is sponsored by Dr. Smith and the website at least follows a nice one

In the Shadows 94 said...

It will not hurt
Cats do strange things like
For example, my cat licks plastic

coolcali... said...

Some years, they tryin to catch fish ...

Watch this vid ...

Tim O said...

For this soup.

anonevyl said...

Some cats like drinking water - water in the tank will not hurt your cat. Try using a fountain bowl cat constantly keep receiving the water filtration.

Something like this: ...

Also, try to fill a glass with water and leave it near the antenna feed cats, but you must replace the water every day.

Kel said...

My cat has it all the time, she even had one of the dishes of water running water ... continue to give the fish want water to drink. I) had a beta version, which (in a pool of still water, no electricity. Unfotunately one day while he was at work, she called to give the dish. It has no fish, but was petrified by the time I got home. And for the remark about the fish, which emit toxins into the water ... that's absurd. What do you think of outdoor cats drink? Or any other cat or animal, from the beginning of time!

mav426 said...

could always "can accidentally" fall into the tank, not too interested in it after that! J / K I would test a spray bottle. Take a quick blast the next time you have up there. And I think that would always be a top ...

Pythones... said...


They discovered only one of the truths of cat-dom: Cats * LOVE * to drink tap water.

Whenever you have a choice between drinking water and standing water in a dish, you always choose the train, even if it means they have to stick his head in the toilet or a dripping faucet .. Or, as in your case, take the water tank.

Water from the aquarium should not hurt if you put every murderer drops of algae in the fish medicine

The only way to ensure that I am to that decision, another source of running water to drink can imagine! They are sources of the "Special Cat" To this end, you will find in any pet shop.

Jilly said...

Cat is like drinking from a cup of water, fish water that no chemical taste of tap water anymore.The usual has a number of chemicals (depending on the environment, you can verify that water quality and on Google search results by limiting their regions in the search results at the bottom of the page). Man of untested chemicals, but the cats do.In a goldfish bowl, these chemicals were dissolved in dilute air.It normally would not harm the cat at all, but to scare the fish!

roastkip said...

Get a top of the tank, the tanks are fitted with a lid, or try chicken wire or something. Water damage, but it might scare the fish: P
My cat fell in an aquarium when he drunk at the time. I was lucky enough to him, there was a large tank, and probably drowned. imagine coming home to find a cat drowned in the pool: /
If a large container, cover with something for reasons of security.

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